Voice Reader Home Edition v1.0 British English

Voice Reader might be described as a "small revolution" in speech synthesis. With just a simple touch of a button, Voice Reader converts any kind of text into astonishingly good quality audio files

The latest news from the Internet, Word and PDF documents, e-mails and newsletters ... Have them read to you in a pleasant-sounding voice instead of having to read them yourself. At the computer, in the car or on the move on your MP3 player.

Thanks to the latest SVOX technology and linguistic preprocessors, Voice Reader provides outstanding speech quality. The pleasant voice and natural intonation convey the remarkably genuine impression that you are listening to a human speaker. Voice Reader also helps you free yourself from your PC: with the export function, you can store your documents as sound files (MP3 or WAV format). You can then listen to your documents on your MP3 player, MP3 mobile phone or iPod while on the move: in the car, on the train, on the plane, while jogging or simply relaxing. Here, you will find speech samples in the different languages of Voice Reader. Or why not enter your own test sentences in Voice Reader online and test the pronunciation quality for all 11 languages.